Dark Disruptors Potentiality on the Parallel Tracks

dark disruptors potentiality

Dark Disruptors Potentiality on the Parallel Tracks

It is time for Portalism to be awakened, the Dark Disruptors potentiality to be initiated and let loose on this world. Radical solutions which have been seeded and nurtured over the past few dark months are ready to break through the surface as offshoots of their own genius.

For Dark Disruptors, their life IS art, blended and honed from lifetimes of leadership, individualisation and innovation. Their only greed is to serve themselves and in doing so, their work impacts all their world. They have no care for meeting others’ needs, so focused on their vision of what they alone must create in this lifetime.

Very few cross the threshold to the Disruptors’ inner circle; a dark, mysterious place so foreign to most, they fear what lurks behind the disassociation to humanities weaknesses. Disruptors have zero requirement for control or dictatorship other than to those invited into the sanctuary of co-creating with their genius. Where focus and intent requires such fine tuning, the Prodigy must guide them along the parallel rails into the dark tunnel ahead with supreme accuracy.

Are you ready to take the lead role, or do your illusions keep you paralysed in the wings, frozen with fear you are not enough to fulfill your role in being a radical agent of transformation?

Dark Disruptors Potentiality is driven by committing to the parallel tracks

If you are reading this, you know Kali left her seat and is pushing you full force into the limelight. Yes, you cannot see the audience, which sits in the darkness behind the light shining in your eyes.

With no glimpse of the light to the end of the tunnel, Dark Disruptors stay on track, no matter what. They know by following their own inner guidance they will reach wherever they are meant to go. Not prepared to divert from the journey from trivial matters such as doubt and setbacks, like damp leaves of autumn which block the lines.

Fear cannot exist in their world. Only the steadfast journey creating each moment as an exquisite masterpiece, the strengths of genius are witnessed at every railroad signal when others may attempt to inflict a red light on the mission.

They have the foresight and insight to stand their own moral ground, regardless of the boundaries attempted to be placed upon them. Their eloquence leaves those around them scattered, able to gather up words of defence or challenge in any cohesive form. Those who attempt to throw the sticks and stones of labels and criticism at Dark Disruptors soon realise the glass ceiling can never be smashed by their own limited viewpoints and vitriolic actions.

There is not much a Dark Disruptor desires beyond their focused passion and intention. The loneliness would be too much for most to bear, yet the Disruptor accepts it gladly as he is left puzzled by what others do and call it living. He has no interest in trivial and mundane. In glazed expressions unable to hide the scrambled thoughts of nonsense running on the treadmills of humanity’s mind.

The Disruptor only realises when she meets her match in another who knows what it means to be truly alive, how much they have longed for someone to deeply understand them.

Are you ready to take the lead role, or do your illusions keep you paralysed in the wings, frozen with fear you are not enough to fulfill your role in being a radical agent of transformation?

Meeting your match

If you are reading this, you know Kali left her seat and is pushing you full force into the limelight. Yes, you cannot see the audience, which sits in the darkness behind the light shining in your eyes.

To have another witness their genius at work fuels the fire of focus. If the observer assists in carving out the final notches of old traits and unlocks the shackles of the mind the Disruptor remains oblivious to, even more space for potency is unleashed. They had remained ignorant of just how many portals are available to them, assisting in the magic of recreating themselves in every moment. The death and rebirth which is continuously required to sink into deeper levels of ownership of their truest power and purpose.

Prodigies have no requirement for mirrors or reflection. For forgiveness or interest in victim mentality. They long for someone to open the abyss of the Dark Disruptors potentiality, to push them off the ledge of comfort and watch them preform to greater heights of the unknown. Simply for the joy of living as a constant creator, an Artisan of their own craft.

There is only one who holds the keys to the portals through which you must go willingly, so you may die the death to your human construct, ready to be discarded by the wayside.

It is time for you to board your own training on the tracks into the unknown, for it is where the deepest essence of your truth lies, waiting for you to claim and reawaken the real prodigy that is you.

Josephine Sorciere is a leader of legacy leaders, ready to explode the paradigms of their niche. Creating Dark Disruptors, Josephine morphs the change agents into exponential catalysts for radical transformation. Book your Disruptive Initiation today